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Recogida residuos plásticos

Employees of Bodegas Vicente Gandía organize a collection of plastic waste in the Albufera de València

The winery continues with its “Som Albufera” Sustainability plan that contributes to the improvement of this important area for Valencians by carrying out an internal action to collect plastic waste.

Bodegas Vicente Gandía continues with its Sustainability Plan. The Valencian winery is immersed in a Corporate Social Responsibility project called “Som Albufera”. Vicente Gandía’s objective is to disseminate, conserve and protect the environmental values ​​of l’Albufera, integrating the gastronomy of this area with the wines of the winery, in addition to contributing to the general improvement of the conditions of this natural space in all its aspects.

In order to carry out this plan, they have partnered with the Fundació Assut. The purpose of this foundation is the conservation of natural and cultural heritage, as well as biodiversity and the landscape in a general sense. Its activities focus on the management, conservation, research and dissemination of the natural and human environment, with special attention to coastal environments and wetlands.

Recogida residuos plásticos

The last activity carried out was a volunteer action that consisted of collecting plastic waste in Tancat de l’Estell, a wonderful area of ​​rice fields next to L’Albufera. This initiative has been carried out by Vicente Gandía employees who voluntarily and altruistically wanted to get involved in this beautiful initiative. Part of the winery team has gathered in this special area with their families and/or friends to carry out a massive collection of plastics and waste. The Fundació Assut provided all the material to carry out the action and was subsequently in charge of managing the waste collected.

Vicente Gandía will continue to carry out his strategic Corporate Social Responsibility plan “Som Albufera”. In fact, at the end of October it will carry out another activity to raise awareness among its employees and/or friends of the importance of space and will also continue to contribute in everything it can to the Fundació Assut.


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